Belim Legal Services was distinguished by Legal 500 as one of best tax law firms in Portugal.
Partner Catarina Belim was considered as a Next Generation Partner.
‘We have, with Catarina Belim and Pedro Soares Caeiro, constant support and concern for our business and we understand that this is the differentiating point; they strive to know our business, how to operate and provide solutions.‘
‘It is specialised in the area of VAT and resolves queries with a deep understanding of Portuguese and EU VAT law, often managing all work until the issue or problem is resolved.‘
‘Catarina Belim is our most valuable partner in EU VAT law; she is quick, reliable and accurate.‘
‘In contrast to a big, full-size law firm, you find a dedicated and personalised service.‘
‘Catarina Belim is a top-notch, brilliant lawyer, who is abreast of worldwide trade and customs matters. In addition, she is deeply knowledgeable in VAT issues, which makes her a comprehensive capable lawyer.‘
‘Personalised service.’
‘Catarina Belim is efficient, astute and practical; always ensuring the high level of work produced.’
‘Catarina Belim is super strong on VAT issues.’
April 17, 2020
Tel: (+351) 211 582 280
Lisboa – Portugal [mapa]
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