Portugal – New calendar for VAT obligations – periods between September 2020 and March 2021

Order 437/2020-XXII issued by the Secretary Tax of Affairs, of 9 November 2020, introduced a new calendar for VAT obligations in the context of COVID-19:

Monthly returns – September 2020 to March 2021

Monthly Return New deadline to submit
the VAT return
New deadline to pay the VAT
September 202020.11.202025.11.2020
October 202020.12.202025.12.2020
November 202020.01.202125.01.2021
December 202020.02.202125.02.2021
January 202120.03.202125.03.2021
February 202120.04.202125.04.2021
March 202120.05.202125.05.2021
(*) Note: when the deadline ends on a weekend or national holiday, it is transferred to the next business day

Quarterly returns – 3rd and 4th Quarters 2020 and 1st Quarter 2021

Quarterly ReturnNew deadline to submit    
the VAT return
New deadline to pay the VAT
3rd Quarter 202020.11.202025.11.2020
4th Quarter 202020.02.202125.02.2021
1st Quarter 202120.05.202125.05.2021
(*) Note: when the deadline ends on a weekend or national holiday, it is transferred to the next business day
