
Personal Taxation

Personal and family tax advice

We help our individual clients meet their tax obligations on time and in the correct amount, as defined by law and market practice, throughout their entire tax and contribution career.
We have several years of experience in providing support in:

  • preparation and submission of tax returns for personal taxes;
  • estimating personal taxes due on personal and family transactions;
  • advising on tax exemptions or deferrals aimed at individuals;
  • review of personal and family tax situation;
  • management of estate and inheritance taxation.

Tax advice for entrepreneurs and investors

We have professional experience in advising entrepreneurs (e.g. managing partners, self-employed businessman and freelancers) and private investors (e.g. stock or cryptocurrency investors, shareholders, bondholders and business angels) in complying with their tax obligations, in order to ensure fair taxation in line with the framework defined by law and market practices.
We have accumulated experience of several years providing support in:

  • preparation and submission of tax returns for personal taxes;
  • estimating personal tax due on certain corporate or investment operations;
  • advice on tax exemptions or deferrals aimed at entrepreneurs and investors;
  • support in challenging company tax debts reversions;
  • revision of the professional tax and social security situation.

International taxation

Globalisation is also a tax phenomenon, so personal taxation crosses borders, accompanying you wherever you choose to reside or work. Our advice is therefore completed with a consideration of the international implications of our private clients’ operations, assisted where necessary by our international network of personal tax experts in each jurisdiction.
We have accumulated experience of several years in providing support in:

  • recovery of personal taxes incurred outside the State of residence, through preparation and submission of the necessary tax returns;
  • estimating personal taxes due on cross-border operations;
  • advising on how to take advantage of the benefits provided in the double taxation treaties;
  • review of the international tax and social security situation.
