Legal 500

Belim foi distinguida pelo diretório internacional Legal 500 na área fiscal em Portugal.

Catarina Belim foi distinguida como “Next Generation Partner”.


We have, with Catarina Belim and Pedro Soares Caeiro, constant support and concern for our business and we understand that this is the differentiating point; they strive to know our business, how to operate and provide solutions.

It is specialised in the area of VAT and resolves queries with a deep understanding of Portuguese and EU VAT law, often managing all work until the issue or problem is resolved.

Catarina Belim is our most valuable partner in EU VAT law; she is quick, reliable and accurate.

In contrast to a big, full-size law firm, you find a dedicated and personalised service.

Catarina Belim is a top-notch, brilliant lawyer, who is abreast of worldwide trade and customs matters. In addition, she is deeply knowledgeable in VAT issues, which makes her a comprehensive capable lawyer.

Personalised service.’

Catarina Belim is efficient, astute and practical; always ensuring the high level of work produced.’

Catarina Belim is super strong on VAT issues.’

Siga-nos aqui.

17 abril 2020
